I am a Serial Entrepreneur which means I have been there and done it. I have the scars and the experience. My ideas, strategies, planning and the advice I give on the implementation of these, comes from being in the trenches and from having been through the school of hard knocks that most entrepreneurs go through, though they don’t have to if they have a good mentor or coach. That was something I wish I had learned a lot earlier in life.
I started a software company in 1999 here in Canada and took it to Silicon Valley. Then when I got back in 2002 I started another technology company that I sold to a company in Silicon Valley.
I was then approached to join a Network Marketing Company that had an interesting twist to it and so I reluctantly did. Reluctantly, simply because I had already failed at Network Marketing for more than 25 years. However, I ended up finding huge success and had over 12,000 distributors and customers within 18 months. Unfortunately things were not all well with that company and I left to join another ground floor company without taking any of my downline with me.
In the new company I built an organization of over 18,000 distributors and customers in 18 months until that company got shut down for something or the other.
Needless to say I got sick of building, making a lot of money and then having to move on and build something else. So with the money I made I became a Venture Capitalist. Unfortunately that wasn’t very satisfying. So I found a humanitarian company in the USA called Humanity Unites Brilliance and brought them to Canada.
Through all that, I discovered that my greatest joy comes from my life long mission: To eradicate poverty by helping people fill their financial cups until it overflows so that they can fill the financial cups of others.

3 Rules I’m Determined to Follow.
- If you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want. This rule works best with Network Marketing but can also work with a startup company.
- My second rule is “If you want to Make Change, Make Money” (pun intended). It is far easier to change the world and get things started when you have some of your own money to start with. When you cup is empty it is hard to fill the cup of others. Alternatively, when your cup overflows you can fill the cups of many.
- Nothing in life is free! It takes passion, excitement, consistent and persistent focus and hard work. Especially in the beginning.

Current Business
Making Progress, Everyday.
I founded a company called Zenoshi to create a better rewards program for all of us consumers. I am aiming for it to be the next big data company. As part of this new company I also want to start the Zenoshi Entrepreneurial and Financial Education Foundation. The foundation’s mission will be to “Eradicate poverty one person at a time, through teaching people to be entrepreneurs and how to manage their finances”. They don’t teach that in school or university. Our educational institutions are geared to produce workers for factories and offices. We live in a different age and as automation takes away more jobs, entrepreneurs will find a way to survive, especially if they are financially astute.