
I was trying to set up a new blog and I stumbled on some old blogs I used to have that I had totally forgotten about. In fact reading them now, I am astonished at what I was writing about such a long time ago. Like this one from 2011. https://exittheratrace.blogspot.com/ I must have been going through some tremendous personal growth at the time.
Or how about this one from 2009? https://thefreedomtrain.blogspot.com/
Some of you might remember this one: https://themoneyseminar.blogspot.com/

Here’s another one from 2012: https://littleideascanchangetheworld.blogspot.com/ 

W.I.S.E.craks: https://wisecraks.blogspot.com/search/label/Waterfalls

This one is 13 years old: https://cashflowcreation.blogspot.com/

Old Blogs – New Tricks? 
So now I have to figure out if I can use these old blogs again in some way by integrating them with current businesses. Can I use my old Blogs?

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I have written many blogs over the years so I am going to keep this one as my way of keeping in touch with my friends.

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